Remember me not - avoiding the Australian metadata dragnet with Tor and Asus

So it is official. As an internet user in the great country of Australia my actions online are now tracked and recorded by the government. And that doesn't sit so well with me. But rather than complain, I decided to take action and install an Asus RT-N66U router as the gateway on my home network. The router had generally positive reviews online, but I was mostly interested in the fact that it supported third party firmware, like the popular ones provided by a developer calling himself Merlin . One of the big benefits provided by third party firmware releases is that you get early access to some cool new features. One such feature that caught my eye was the introduction of Tor into the router. I have used Tor sporadically in the past. While I have to commend the Tor developers for making it easy to install Tor and browse anonymously, the reality is that running an additional piece of software was kind of a pain. It was a mental jump to go from "always online" to...